#compact solar generator
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sarrvad · 1 year ago
SARRVAD's Compact Solar Generator - The Perfect Solution for On-The-Go Power
Are you tired of being tethered to an outlet? SARRVAD's Compact Solar Generator is the perfect solution for those who need power on the go. With its lightweight design, you can take it anywhere, whether it's camping or a day at the beach. The generator is powered by the sun, so you don't have to worry about running out of fuel. It's environmentally friendly and easy to use. Invest in SARRVAD's Compact Solar Generator and enjoy the freedom of power wherever you go.
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mysticstronomy · 9 months ago
Saturday, April 27th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Here we are, 4.5 billion years into the lifetime of our sun, with an array of planets and smaller objects orbiting around it. How did all the planets form, and why did they end up in the orbits that they did?
The formation of the solar system is a challenging puzzle for modern astronomy and a terrific tale of extreme forces operating over immense timescales. Let's dig in.
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I can't help but start with: In the beginning, there was nothing. But it wasn't quite nothing. All stars form from the collapse of nebulae, which are loose clouds of gas and dust, and our sun — and solar system — are no different. Astronomers call it the "pre-solar nebula" and of course it isn't around today, but we've seen enough solar systems forming throughout the galaxy to get the general picture.
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But a nebula on its own won't collapse into a solar system without something to set it in motion. In our case, we can thank a nearby supernova explosion, whose shockwave ripped through the pre-solar nebula, causing it to begin its contraction.
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We can tell that such a supernova went off nearby, because supernovae release great quantities of certain radioactive elements — elements that aren't normally found inside nebulae – but which we can see in our solar system today.
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Once underway, the transition from nebula to solar system was irreversible. Over the course of millions of years, the nebula contracted and cooled, eventually reaching the point where a proto-sun was surrounded by a thin, rapidly rotating disk of gas and dust.
And then the fun began.
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Four and a half billion years ago, our sun wasn't quite the shining star that it is today. It was compact and very, very hot, but it hadn't reached the critical densities and temperatures needed to sustain nuclear fusion in its core.
But while it was still in this embryonic stage, the planets began their slow waltzing formation.
Originally published on https://www.space.com
(Wednesday, May 1st, 2024)
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bucketfullofstrawberries · 5 months ago
Today I shall be explaining how Edgar (Narrator), Mae (Curator) AND Inferos (TK) came to be.
Everyone buckled in? All ready? Alright! Here we GO—
The Creation Process / History.
Many millennia ago, The Universe was simply a mish mash of chemical compounds. Molecules weren't even established to be, they just simply.. Existed! It's unknown where the existence of everything had originated from. Now, there are many theories that hold up ideas of the origins of everything. Most Famously discussed being, of course, The Big Bang, estimated to have occurred 13.8 Billion years ago.
The Universe allegedly began as a tiny, high-density fireball, which spontaneously combusted and thus expanded as space. The Universe cooled in time, and with cooler conditions The First, simple elements began to form; Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium. Hydrogen being the main factor of the three. Gradually, gravity drew matter together which supposedly formed The First Stars & Galaxies. From here, Galaxies collected into into a mixture of Groups, Clusters & Superclusters, whereas some stars started to die within Supernova Explosions; their chemical remnants begun seeding new generations of stars, bringing their legacies to be long lasting but ALSO enabling the formation of New, rocky Planets. And one of those Planets, of course, just so happened to be Earth.
Now, somewhere, in-between all the kerfuffle, situated within the plentiful explosions and deaths of Stars and such alike , Larger Stars had begun to Collapse at the end of their Life Cycles. This brought into existence the first Black Hole. Now, A Black Hole, By Google Definition; A region of spacetime where gravity is so strong & nothing, including light & other electromagnetic waves, has enough energy to escape it.
The Theory of General Relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. At the time, obviously, these were a Rare Phenomena in the passing time of Space, and so contact with them involving an involuntary object had a slim chance of creating some Huge Reaction, seeing as Black Holes quite literally "Eat", in layman's terms, anything in its path. Nothing in existence, at that time, had ever had such a Strong Energy Scale to Escape, let alone Combat the likes of a Black hole. So nothing was capable of stopping them on their Daunting Path of Destruction. That is, until the introduction of an unfamiliar, foreign object in spacetime.
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Lucidae Ignis in Aeternum, L.I.A.
[ ❝ Lucidae ❞,The term given the Brightest Star of a Constellation, Latin origins; the feminine singular of ❝ Lūcidus ❞, meaning ❝ Bright, Shining ❞ , ❝ Ignis in Aeternum. ❞, Latin origins; Meaning ❝ Fire Forever ❞, or rather ❝ Eternal Fire ❞ ]
This star-like-Giant of the Galaxian Empire was the largest existing ball of burning plasma known currently to Particular Knowledge of some, beating the Current Largest Known Star, UY Scuti, a Red Hypergiant standing at 1.188 Billion Kilometres, and somehow forming to be 156 Trillion Kilometres in size. That, in itself, is large enough to fit Five of our Solar System's within, and then some. It seems impossible, but at the same time. Existence as a whole is nothing far from what one would consider impossible. Yet here we are. Within Galaxies and Galaxies, Universes and Universes filled with who knows what.
Perhaps Stars even Bigger than LIA lie out there. Somewhere. LIA, as been theorised, has been said to of formed from Two Red Dying Hypergiants drawing close enough to one another at similar Low Levels of Combustion & existing at a Semi-Molten state to Weld Together, when Gravitational Forces between the two were strong enough to drawn one another in. This process of welding them to one another causes a sort of Infinitely Regenerative Source of Plasma Energy to power both stars and eventually merge them into one massive Hypergiant reaching lengths beyond general comprehension.
It just so happens that both LIA, and The Black Hole, which was later on dubbed Nexis, a relatively small black hole compared to ones that may exist today, co-exist in the same region of space, which would inevitably cause their paths to collide, one way or another. Time goes by, space goes on. And it's not long before Nexis's strengthening pull manages to catch LIA in its undefeated fury.
But, being such a large supply of energy, The Strength of Nexis must be pushed to its extremes to be able to reel in this Goliath for its own personal gain. And so, the two fought for their individual, eternal reign. Like warriors. Until both succumbed. They collapsed onto one another. And something new was born.
In some Stories, Folk Law & Myths carried across galaxies, it's been told through generations that these two Beasts of the Dark may have not been just... heartless monoliths, doing what they did simply because that's how things worked. Without any true, meaningful purpose other than just. To be.
As a matter of fact, It's strongly believed, by the few that tell the tales of the Universe, that these Giants had souls. Souls that had driving motives. Souls that felt for one another. And some found that tale to be as beautiful as it sounds.
And, if those tales were to be found true.. then it surely was. Tales etched into stone, written in old Greek, are the best source we currently have that depicts such a story. After thorough translation, this is what story was once told to be, and laughed at by the faces of many other highly religious figures;
❝ In the Times of Dark and Treacherous, the Lights of the Night were Dark & the Skies were Scary, Humanity was yet to be shaped out of the mud, and everything was Unorganized and Frail. Before our figures of Hierarchy came to be and ruled over our land, Two only dwelled in the Blank Canvas of The Dark. Brave Warriors. Who fought to keep Balance.
Elpída, Guardian of Distant Hope and Eternal Life, she fought for honour, to keep Light burning so the Dark would be luminous.
Maraíno, Executioner of Decay and Damnation, she fought for Power and took Life to Reign.
The Two Warriors Danced a Deadly Dance to Glorify their Ambitions in an Infinite Ballroom. It was a Fierce Battle. It was a Valiant Battle. And it kept Peace.
Their Battle could have been Eternal, everlasting, but at a point they both grew weak. Energy was forced to be used sparingly. Both that once wielded power and thrived off of it had turned that power into a channel for spite, a fuel for meaningless rage, and thus was no longer fruitful.
And once she had become frail, The Light of Elpída was dim. And the Hope she sought out to keep alive felt dismissed.
Maraíno cried out to their rival as they both came to a halt;
' The Light I once seeked from you to take has dimmed. And so it holds no value to me. So tell me, Darling Light, Why do I still seek you? '.
The Guardian answered with but another question;
' The Destruction you brought onto the existence of life has long since stopped as you have grown weaker. And you concentrate your time on my defeat. Yet, Why do I still fight you? '.
The Executioner had no answer to offer. And pondered upon this riddling response. And The Guardian spoke once more.
' Perhaps we fought for our ambitions once long ago, but I don't believe that to be the truth as we speak. ' she said, drawing closer to The Dark. Yet The Executioner did not try to defend itself. She allowed the touch of The Light to meet its faltering visage.
' Perhaps we fight now because we do not wish to be alone. I am the Light that illuminates you. Your soul encapsulates me. I have fought against it.. but now I fight to stay beside it. '. Once again, The Executioner could not reply. But it seemed as true to the two of them, whether they were to come to an agreement on the matter or not.
The battle had ended as suddenly as it had sprouted. The two held a gentle embrace around one another and uttered . And with the last of what they had, a spark in the Universe lit. And The True Empress that breathed life into our bodies had been born d from their dying light. It was born from two set souls, souls that had found their true purpose. To make life flourish. And to leave the Universe with company. With Life. With Hope. ❞
This tale has long since been forgotten, and remembering it at any point should be taken with a grain of salt. Believe it as simply a mystery of space, or as a story of great ambition. Either way, what remains true is that both entities collided. And with that collision birthed an unusual form of life, something that was capable of capturing, creating, controlling. It was a mighty force.
It's believed, but not confirmed, by some that the fusion of both Hypergiant's actually caused the LIA’s core to become a type of White Hole, or at the very least something similar, as it did not collapse onto itself but instead rebirthed as something entirely new, and phenomenal at that. But the interruption of Plasma from LIA’s outer surface prevented any sort of Wormhole from forming.
It, instead, forced remaining light nuclei to merge with one another simultaneously, forming dozens of heavier nuclei that released enough energy to be able to bond with early specimens of hard light collected together in a nearby nebula ; ultimately creating an infinite, solidified source of energy that had someone managed to become its own organism.
This Theory stands as The Theory of Everlasting Creation, and believes in the existence of an all-powerful, essentially living, thinking organism that holds the ability to create existing, and even non-existing, elements, substances, materials, mixtures and compounds at will, with no finite limitations on how much it may create or be capable of creating, as well as also being able to deconstruct and destroy the prior at the same time.
With all of this established, we may now bring our focus on this ‘hypothetical’ organism, or some may even refer to it as a Deity of sorts.
In Theory, this natural phenomena has created a God. It cannot die. And it can exist for eternity. With its purpose being to keep balance, and create. If it so chose to take that path.Thus, making it the perfect candidate for a Godly Figure. And in the future, it might just have been considered one by a select few. Early Astronomers who sought out the mysteries of space, perhaps. Who’s to say?
This being would be referred to as “The Creator” when humanity caught onto its presence, which was certainly fitting, considering the circumstances. However, long before humanity even had a name, the being itself had already come to find an alias of its own. It called itself “Mae”. Which would later be established as a word that correlates to “God/Goddess”, or “Beautiful”, in Gaelic/Celtic meanings. Or “Mother” in Portuguese; also oddly fitting. For more reasons than one. Which brings us to our next point:
What she created.
Now, obviously, there came a point in time where living organisms had begun their own evolutionary pipeline. This was not brought upon the universe by the likes of she. As a matter of fact, this evolutionary advancement is something that fascinated her. Despite being an overpowering organism of creation, these life forms had formed themselves all on their own. She had no involvement with it whatsoever. And that alone caught her attention. In no time, she’d become fixated on this Planet and its independent growth. Even during the early stages of life, she kept a watchful eye on every little detail.
Single-celled organisms were fruitful and multiplied into multicellular life. From here, these organisms branched off into a vast variety of Chordata, which were primarily based in bodies of water and adapted to such in terms of diet and anatomical structure. Her attachment to these organisms grew further as she saw their development now leading into much more complex territory; Tetrapoda now becoming part of the equation as four-limbed vertebrate, which had not only become amniotes as they started to roam the land, but had also began to become more adapted to both aquatic and land based worlds in order to branch of FURTHER than what was initial expected.
The introduction to land brought upon more evolutionary expansion. The planet was now given Mammalia and Primates. They were full-on land dwellers at this point, roaming the Earth freely and seeking out new places to thrive and evolve further than they already had. And from there, amidst the rest of the world’s wonders, we were given the beginning of the Human Race… and they turned out to be a species the god had become quiet.. QUITE.. infatuated with..
She admired them.. From the way they came to be to the fact that they, too, were capable of creating things if they really set their minds to it..
They were interesting little things. She felt linked to them in ways that were difficult to describe.
And through keen observation, taking note of their strengths and their flaws, and discovering what exactly brought them such differentiating characteristics and experiences, she had an idea beginning to spark.
She wanted to create something like them.
She wanted to create an ideal model.. The PERFECT humane specimen..
Something that was so similar to their kind yet so completely different at the same time. Something that had their traits but something she could teach to achieve things like she could.
So, with that brewing idea in mind, she began to experiment.
Surprisingly, despite Mae being perceived as something to be high and mighty and capable of pretty much anything, there were a lot of failed attempts & mistakes in the process. Obscure looking body shapes, a multitude of mish-mashed limbs, misplaced facial features that made her creations look uncanny.
But the main problem was that despite the effort she put into each individual attempt – none of them were capable of living freely. Which was the beautiful thing about humanity; they had their own desires, thoughts, ambitions and feelings. They did what they wished to do of their own accord. Nothing held them back.
And it had nothing to do with having a functioning mind. Or a beating heart. If anything, things like that were a primary human set-back. She knew this.
But the question was what exactly CRAFTED them into their own, distinct person if it wasn’t the thoughts of the mind or the life pumped into their hearts.
Eventually, though, she discovered that indescribable something simply by digging deeper. Thinking outside of the box, so to speak.
Each life on Earth appeared to have their own respective source of internal light. It was an incomprehensible thing to most, undiscovered by man and embedded deep within the heart & mind. But somehow, Mae was able to wrap her head around its existence.
A soul.
A magical thing. Founded upon clusters of stardust cumulated together in the central core of billions upon trillions spread out across universes.
Every soul was unique to its bodily host. Not a single soul was the same. Each feeling and experiencing things differently to one another.
A soul was something ever changing, that may link with another soul if bonds were grown enough to pull them together. Once a soul had linked with another, it was almost impossible to separate them. Only if the negative forces of attraction between souls grew too fierce would a soul be forced to separate.
Mae had discovered this phenomenon to be Soulmating. And it came in a multitude of different forms. Alongside hundreds and hundreds of differentiating characteristics that made up what a soul was.
These souls were intricate. And beautiful. And it was something Mae came to find precious.
And thus, she set herself the task to try and replicate such a thing. Create that unique essence of life, thriving off of its own undying light.
And eventually, with perseverance, self-encouragement and a hefty amount of elbow grease (despite very much not having elbows),
She did it. She crafted a soul. A perfect soul. A soul full of brilliance and undiscovered mystery. And a body, to keep that soul alive, to give it a face and name. To let it grow as a person. A person. Her own, darling creation. Which she looked upon with pride. And held her hopes high for to achieve the perfection she had perceived. And so, she gave it a name. Amor Aeternus. Which was a mishmash or words curated by the Romans of Earth. Two words, in Latin; Meaning
“Eternal Love”.
That was what it was called. Eternal Love. She had no reasoning as to why she named it this way. But she felt compelled to do so nonetheless.
But oh,
How fitting that name would be… ♡
However that name would one day develop into the man we know now as Edgar Vincent Marlowe... not just a Narrator, but a storyteller...~
Now, Highlighting THIS aspect;
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Amongst all those failed attempts there was merely one out of thousands that was seemingly quite different. To say the least...
One that, miraculously, had a grown consciousness. The ability to live despite, by technicality, being categorized as the unliving. A small soul that formed on its own accord that would never of been noticed because of how fragile and simple it was. Attached to this unflattering malgamation of a body that was just BARELY keeping onto a humanoid figure.
...and yet, despite its perseverance to live; it never was noticed.
In fact, it was completely disregarded... and forgotton.
But this soul saw everything it could of had. And this soul never forgot. Never forgot how its chance at life was taken from hands of boiling flesh and instead given to another. Something more appealing. More successful. More putridly perfect.
And in itself it grew to hate. It grew to be full of jealousy. To be scornful, and full to the brim with resentment towards the being that he could of been. With a want to tear down everything that this Prince of The Stars had acquired and someday take his place. Show the universe that he WAS worthy of that status. He was special & capable enough to experience what this Brother of sorts of his had already experienced.
And so, he gave himself a name. To express his scorching, eternal flame of envious greed in bold. To overdramatize himself and show his self-proclaimed "upper status".
Stella Natum Inferos. (or "Inferos" for short.)
Meaning Star-born Hell Beast.
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is our Keeper of Time. The one who keeps the Wheel Turning and the one who could stop that Wheel at any given moment.
This is the Story of two Brothers, not bonded by blood but the eagerness & naivety of a joint Creator. One, Blissfully unaware and Blessed; Attune to the gift of Giving and a Heart of Gold, a Soul pure and true. The other, Scornfull & Painfully Aware; hateful and seething deep down only wishing for approval, and to be adored.
"The stars made you their own; you are adored and shine bright. I was cast out, sentenced to to be forgotten; denied acknowledgement and stripped of my life. You will always try to find a way to love. I dance with the tangled webs of resentment. You do not know me. I wish I did not live aside you."
And perhaps... this burning hatred held by one shall finally cut through the thin veil that keeps the two apart.
Their story is still being told, after all.....and a Story needs an Ending~
...and ending that may come sooner than possibly anticipated. You'll just have to wait and see.. ♡
☆ ⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂✦ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂☆
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tigersharko · 4 months ago
yes pls.... give inform....
so!! gray was originally a character i wrote and designed for a narrative project, not actually lancer.
his original concept was meant to open the discussion "how much of gray is himself/his own nature, and how much is TR-GRAE; and vice versa?" though, honestly, that doesn't matter much to me; he just, is the way that he is. i actually refer to the two as brothers, though they're less like a traditional family and more two people shoved into a blender, combined, then poured back out into two separate molds?
anyways, about why gray is so jacked up!!
From his original text, I kept the city/colony he originates from;
>The collapse of Leicester (pop. 1,230,000) marked the final days of Harrier (55-Cancri-fb)'s civilization. Colonization of the distant moon had been difficult; Tidally locked and weaving ever-so-slightly in and out of the solar system's habitable zone, the celestial body only had two small islands of land that were habitable year-round. Capitalizing on the mineral-rich and lush land, Harrier's settlers built and developed massive supercities. Housing, commercial districts, etcetera were all crammed together in compact skyscrapers. This left more room for agricultural efforts, but created a cramped and uncomfortable lifestyle for the generations to come.
Eventually- Leicester, the largest of the two habitable cities, began to grow too close to the stars. Generations of expansion made the terrain beneath their feet unstable- and the crumbling body of their beloved moon gave way. The entirety of Leicester collapsed in on itself, sucked into a massive sinkhole. Skyscrapers fell unto one another like a poorly-assembled jenga tower. Survivors were few and far in-between as decades of carefully-constructed infrastructure fell into the depths. Those who did survive were forced to contest with the post-apocalyptic like conditions of their fallen city.
So, Gray, bless his heart, is dropped into the sinkhole with the rest of his city; Most of the scars we see today, such as the ones on his chest and (organic) arms, are the result of shrapnel damage. He loses his left arm in the initial collapse, and his right to infection shortly thereafter;
One unfortunate soul- seven year-old-boy, Arthur- fell into the custody of the paltry few that had been living on the lip of the city. Wounded from the collapse of his housing unit, the boy's arms were tragically amputated; Quick thinking and good luck, however, saved his life. Shortly thereafter, he was outfitted with makeshift prosthetics, allowing him to at least somewhat participate in the survivors' attempts at rebuilding.
Now, that's the spot where Original Gray and Lancer Gray diverge; in LANCER, the very young Gray goes on to explore and adventure in the wreckage of his city, and eventually comes across the entombed chassis of a long-forgotten mech. He climbs up to meet it- and makes contact with the cascading mind of a very, very old NHP.
See, my take on NHPs' "perspectives", and how those can be translated into human/anthropocentric analogies, is sort of convoluted and it would honestly require a post of my own (which I would love to make, if given the time and motivation)- but the important thing about how TR-GRAE (or, at least, the nonhuman mind it was founded on) in specific works is that a willing, malleable, and open (y'know, like a child's) human mind was the perfect means for it to ground and voluntarily shackle itself.
Obviously, gray doesn't remember this. He doesn't remember much of his history at all.
No, Gray remembers emerging on Carina, well into his teens, having been "adopted" by a Northstar campus outreach/scholarship program based on engineering prowess he thinks that he always had. He doesn't remember how, or when, but he had built a casket for the mind that he discovered, and had come to regard the entity- the person- within like family. Gray and TR-GRAE (named for the chassis he was discovered in and the subsequent role he filled in their community, "Terran Recovery - Ground Rescue and Excavation") understand eachother on a frightening level, even without implant intervention (though Gray has a lot of implants installed for his and his copilot's convenience). They don't need to speak to know what the other is thinking, or needs, or even knows. Of course, there are several divides, and the fact that TR-GRAE knows what Gray knows, but not vice versa—
Anyways, Gray has been in IPS-N "custody" for ~8 years? He was 8 when the city collapsed, 10 when they picked him up, and he's 19 now. Ra's sake, he's young—
I hoped you paid attention, this will be on your test.
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solarpunkbusiness · 12 days ago
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Indian researchers develop solar cell from living algae
The researcher team, from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham university in Coimbatore, India, sandwiched macroalgae between a carbon-coated copper electrode and a titanium oxide-coated fluorine-doped tin oxide electrode. The 1 cm2 device exhibited a 1.25 mA photocurrent and 0.5 V photovoltage under UV light.
Image: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham/Dr. Sudip Kumar Batabya
The team fabricated the bio-photovoltaic device using the freshwater filamentous macroalgae pithophora as a photoactive material. The chosen algae belong to the green algae family and is typically found growing at the bottom of aquatic habitats or forming dense mats on the water's surface.
The researchers collected the algae from a pond and they cleaned and crushed it into small fragments. They then fabricated a device by sandwiching the algal biofilm between an activated carbon-coated copper top electrode and a titanium oxide-coated (TiO2) fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) bottom electrode. The TiO2 compact layer was used as the electron transport layer (ETL) and carbon was used as the hole transporting layer (HTL).
Their work is presented in the research paper Sustainable power generation from live freshwater photosynthetic filamentous macroalgae Pithophora, published in theJournal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices. The paper says it is “possibly the first reporting work [where] freshwater live macroalgae generates electricity by sandwiching it in between two modified electrodes which collect the charge carriers”.
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rjzimmerman · 7 days ago
Excerpt from this story from the New York Times:
The leaders of more than half of Africa’s nations gathered this week in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s sprawling seaside metropolis, to commit to the biggest burst of spending on electric-power generation in Africa’s history.
The World Bank, African Development Bank and others are pledging at least $35 billion to expand electricity across a continent where more than a half-billion people still don’t have it. About half of the money will go toward solar “minigrids” that serve individual communities. The loans will come at below-market interest rates, a crucial stipulation as global lenders usually charge much higher rates in Africa, citing higher risks.
In an interview, Ajay Banga, the president of the World Bank, cast the initiative in sweeping terms where economic development met societal stability and basic human rights. “Without electricity, we can’t get jobs, health care, skills,” he said. The success of electrification, he said, is “foundational to everything.”
The summit’s promise is to get half of Africa’s 600 million unelectrified people powered up in just six years. That averages out to five million people a month. Mr. Banga said the World Bank, on its own, had not yet even passed the one-million-a-month mark.
The loans from the World Bank and the African Development Bank put into place this week are contingent on the regulatory overhauls that, in many cases, allow for private electricity providers to compete more freely with state-run utilities. Tanzania is one of 12 countries signing such “compacts” at the summit meeting. In the coming months, 18 more are expected.
In addition to solar minigrids, a roughly equal amount of money will go toward extending traditional, existing power grids, which are mostly supplied by hydropower and fossil fuels.
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theworstofallpossibleworlds · 8 months ago
Can you please ask Brian what camera, lens and film he uses to shoot the eclipse?
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This is a characteristically late response, but I'd love to get into it. I got into film photography by picking my dad's childhood brownie hawkeye off of a shelf and ever since then i've stayed pretty cheap with the hobby. I got a really good deal on a Kiev-80 a couple years ago. For those who don't know, its a 50 year old soviet camera made as an imitation of a Hasselblad (the camera we took to the moon). It's a medium format camera, so focal lengths work a little different than they do in 35mm
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Medium format cameras like this take pictures that are 60mm by 60mm. Your typical 35mm camera takes 36mm by 24mm frames, so the added film sixe here means generally everything has to get bigger. The lenses i've gotten for this camera all have massive cases and can be carried with their own separate strap. The lens used for the eclipse is just... so big. oh my god. it's a mess. It's a Tair-33, with a minimum f stop of 4.5 and a focal length of 300mm (equivalent to 165mm on 35)
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This model of the lens has very fun, characteristic stripes, the aperture control is all the way at the front, and easy to use. Focusing, however is slow, as the weight of everything creates quite a bit of friction. You can get one of these for about $80 bucks. Now 300mm here is not a great magnifier, so I also got a (faulty) accessory to extend the focus, bringing the lens to 600mm (330mm equivalent in 35). It also makes this camera, all put together, into The Largest Object of All Time.
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squash and butter for scale
To see the difference between 300mm and 600mm, check out these photos of the regular, non-eclipsed sun at both lengths
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You're probably wondering why these pictures look so weird. these lenses are don't have very effective coatings. you wouldn't believe the processes that go into coating your glasses, your camera lenses, your phone lenses. The easiest kind of picture to take is one where your subject is lit by a souce that is behind the photographer. things get complicated with backlight, creating ghosting and glare as seen above. the light bounces between the glass elements (and the dark filter used to photograph the sun is also glass, complicating it further). taking a direct photo of a light (especially the fucking SUN) leads to some pretty crazy unpredictable variables.
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My camera has recently taken on a new malady too, where at low speeds, the shutter (which in this camera is a huge metal curtain sticks at the edge without totally closing. It causes these stripes at the edge of the picture. This can be frustrating if i forget, but I like having the issue. If i want a picture to look normal, to plan it out, to totally control it, I have a digital camera for that. I got into this film stuff for the eccentricities.
For the regular sun photos, I think I was shooting on Ilford FP4, which i think i stand developed in rodinal. At the eclipse, I only got through one roll of film, becasue the cloud cover was brutal, but i took those pictures on Kodak Tri-x 400 (developed normally in D-76). I did it all in Black and white because, in general, b&w negatives are pretty generous with mistakes. All the guides i could fine for solar photography were understandably written with digital cameras in mind, so I couldn't be totally sure about my math (as the camera is totally manual) or even my eye safety (as I'm using a viewfinder; my vision seems fine a month later)
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the actual iris on this lens is right up in front. Tightening the aperture, especially when the extender is attached, leads to a vignetting issue, turning your pictures into a circle
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once totality hits, the light changes dramatically. you can stare straght at it without glasses and not have to worry about damaging your eyes for those short minutes. so i didn't even bother with film at that stage. I just pulled out my DSLR with a cheap 500mm Samyang mirror lens made for pentax. It's very compact and very, VERY shitty. Shallow focus, really dark, ugly out-of-focus elements, focuses past inifinity, i love it. only got a couple pictures that way, and then put the camera down and enjoyed the experience
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sometimes-love-is-enough · 9 months ago
Hello, it's me, ya boi Nobody with the weirdo obsession with Syzygy and its worldbuilding and its amazing author, you. I have mentioned before a thousand times over that I love the universe you've created and I'm willing to dig up any behind the scenes content of how the world works (not the finer details like how seasons work if Earth is the center of the solar system) I have a sticky note of questions so imma just copy and paste one question I have on it and get back to you in, like, maybe next week for more. Anyhoots, a-hem
We know that there's three ways to do Magic in Syzygy. The array, tabs, and charms. Which comes first, though? Does discovering the lines of the magic comes first, following the flavor/ingrediant? Janus and Thomas danced around in Chap. 5, Janus mainly draws on the ground. When he finished, everyone could sense the cinnamon. I assume that's the array magic? (DOES RICE DO ANYTHING?! I'VE BEEN RAKING MY BRAIN BECAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE IT DOES ANYTHING, LIKE CATUS OR GRASS(NotComfirmButAssumed) (And also, "How does one make a tab/charm/array?")
Arrays are definitely first, because tabs and charms are just more compact, convenient versions of them. If arrays are the PCs of magic (powerful, but hard to carry around/transport), then charms are the laptop computers and tabs are the mobile phones. Charms you need to trace and power to activate, whereas tabs are literally just 'stick in your mouth and use'. Tabs require the most skill to create, therefore are the easiest to use.
Anyone looking to make a new magical effect would start by designing an array, and then carefully tightening up the design - simplifying it, streamlining it, perfecting it - until it's able to be replicated in smaller form. Arrays will always be the most powerful version of whatever it is, but with clever design you can get some pretty powerful smaller effects.
I never thought too much about exactly WHAT array designing involves, but I think it's a bit like a specific, complicated language - I've been doing formal logic again this semester, and a lot of the proofs I have to do require rigorous trial-and-error testing and fucking around to try to generate a specific conclusion, so I really DO think it's a lot like that. Magical proofs in magic sigil language.
Scents/tastes are tied to the specific effect they generate, think kind of universal synesthesia. So it's not precisely that you start with the flavor/ingredient, it's just that it kind of Happens when you succeed at whatever you're attempting. Adding a bit of extra whatever-it-is gives it a kick, though. Janus puts cayenne pepper in his charms and tabs because it's a catalyst. Mint will also do the trick.
I... didn't even think about rice. It's grown. How did I not think about that. It probably does have an effect of some sort, probably a binding agent or similar. I think a lot of 'basic' plants (like grass! I also didn't think about grass!!) have some sort of very neutral effect. Maybe they neutralize stuff! Hm.
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spacetimewithstuartgary · 3 months ago
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Proba-3 will constantly measure Sun's energy output
Proba-3 is such an ambitious mission that it needs more than one single spacecraft to succeed. In order for Proba-3's Coronagraph spacecraft observe the sun's faint surrounding atmosphere, its disk-bearing Occulter spacecraft must block out the fiery solar disk. This means Proba-3's Occulter ends up facing the sun continuously, making it a valuable platform for science in its own right.
The sunward side of the Occulter therefore hosts a dedicated instrument that will maintain a continuous measurement of the sun's total energy output, known as the total solar irradiance, which is a essential variable for climate studies.
The shoebox-sized Davos Absolute Radiometer, DARA, has been supplied to the mission by the Physical Meteorological Observatory Davos, PMOD, in Switzerland.
"Researchers used to talk about the 'solar constant' but in fact it is always changing slightly," explains Wolfgang Finsterle, DARA Principal Investigator at PMOD. "And it's essential to keep track of the total solar irradiance, because it is the dominant energy input to the surface of the Earth.
"It amounts to something like 99.978% of the energy available on Earth, including the conserved solar energy stored in coal and oil. It drives all the dynamic processes of Earth's climate, so even the tiniest variations are hugely significant."
The mountain-based PMOD has been studying total solar irradiance for more than a century, initially with ground-based instruments and then from the 1970s deploying space-based radiometers to acquire a continuous dataset. The World Meteorological Organization has mandated PMOD as the World Radiation Centre to calibrate radiation measurements across global UN monitoring programs.
Wolfgang adds, "Total solar irradiance varies along with the 11-year cycle of solar activity, and one of the most obvious ways to look for long-term energy drift is to compare total solar irradiance between consecutive solar minimia.
"This requires a long time-series of data, ideally coming from multiple instruments because single radiometers will undergo degradation in sensitivity from the hard ultraviolet in the sun's rays they are continuously exposed to. That said any degradation is very gradual: the radiometer aboard the ESA-NASA SOHO solar observatory for instance, which was launched in back 1995, is still working satisfactorily."
DARA's basic operating principle is simple. The radiometer possesses a 5-mm diameter cavity made from black-painted silver, possessing low temperature emissivity. For 15 seconds at a time, sunlight warms the interior of the cavity, then a shutter blade automatically closes at its entrance.
For the next 15 seconds, electric heat maintains the cavity's previous temperature—and the energy needed to maintain this temperature is extrapolated to the unit of total solar irradiance, which is watts per meter squared.
This process continues for the entire lifetime of the instrument—the actuated shutter design employed in DARA has been tested for millions of openings and closings in PMOD's vacuum chamber.
"DARA is an improvement on previous radiometer designs with an optimized cavity design to minimize unwanted straylight and a multi-channel measuring system for self-calibration," adds Wolfgang. "This generation of instrument also possesses a fully digital control loop, allowing the possibility of experimenting with higher frequency observations.
Two versions of this radiometer design have already flown, notes Werner Schmutz of PMOD, who oversaw its development: "A compact version called CLARA flew on Noway's NorSat-1 CubeSat in 2017, remaining operational to this day, while a previous DARA is serving aboard the Chinese FY-3E weather satellite, launched in 2021. So we have high confidence in the design, which can operate whenever the Proba-3 Occulter is pointed at the sun within half a degree of accuracy."
The main difference between Proba-3's DARA and previous radiometers will be its very elongated orbit, which will carry it 60 000 km above Earth's surface. DARA can automatically adjust to slight changes in the size of the solar disk based on how far it is away—which are also due to Earth's yearly elliptical orbit around the sun. All the radiometer needs to know is its position in space and its data gathering compensates for the shift.
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reyaint · 29 days ago
architecture and infrastructure of HAIQIN | by province
date: january 5 2025. not adding pictures bc yeah no.
Haiqin's Architecture and Infrastructure 
Stellis (Metropolis of Innovation)
Building Styles: Stellis is the epitome of modernity, with towering skyscrapers that define its skyline. The buildings are crafted from steel and glass, symbolizing the city’s technological advancements. These structures are not just functional but also serve as canvases for digital art and interactive installations. Iconic buildings like the Stellis Innovation Tower are designed with sleek, aerodynamic curves, often incorporating green technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines to reduce environmental impact.
Housing: Stellis offers a range of housing options, from luxury penthouses in high-rise buildings to smart homes equipped with the latest technology. In affluent districts, homes are equipped with automated systems for security, energy management, and even personalized climate control. In contrast, lower-income neighborhoods feature compact, efficient apartments that prioritize functionality over luxury.
Public Spaces: Public spaces in Stellis are highly interactive, with digital art installations and augmented reality displays scattered throughout the city. The central square, often used for events like the Stellis Innovations Festival, is a hub of activity, with large outdoor screens displaying tech demonstrations and performances. Parks like Tech Garden combine green space with tech expos, where new gadgets and inventions are showcased to the public.
Transportation: Stellis boasts an advanced public transport system. Maglev trains, which glide above the tracks using magnetic levitation, provide fast and efficient travel across the city. Electric buses run along eco-friendly routes, and pedestrian-friendly pathways are designed to encourage walking and cycling. Skybridges connect the towering skyscrapers, allowing residents to traverse the city without descending to street level. This also helps reduce traffic congestion in the densely packed urban areas.
Eldariaz (Land of Tradition and Harmony)
Building Styles: Eldariaz's architecture is a beautiful blend of history and nature. Stone palaces and temples are built with local materials, preserving the region’s cultural heritage. The structures are often adorned with intricate carvings and mosaics, depicting historical events and mythological stories. Traditional thatched-roof houses, common in rural areas, are designed to harmonize with the surrounding natural beauty, often surrounded by lush gardens and small orchards.
Housing: In Eldariaz, the upper class resides in opulent villas, often located in secluded areas surrounded by gardens and historical monuments. These estates are typically passed down through generations, and many are adorned with priceless artifacts. In contrast, the artisan classes live in communal housing, where shared spaces foster a sense of community and cooperation. The royal family enjoys large family estates, often located near significant cultural landmarks.
Public Spaces: Eldariaz is home to expansive public spaces, such as the Royal Gardens, where the Royal Harvest Festival is celebrated. These gardens are surrounded by ancient monuments and fountains, creating a peaceful environment for reflection and community gathering. Historical sites are preserved as public parks, where locals and tourists alike can explore the ancient ruins and temples.
Transportation: In Eldariaz, eco-friendly transportation is emphasized. Electric carts are commonly used in urban areas, while horse-drawn carriages are still popular in rural areas, providing a more traditional and scenic way to travel. The region also has a network of walking trails, allowing residents to connect with nature while moving between villages.
Nirin (Desert Oasis and Canyon Cities)
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art by WLOP
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before you come for my ass, yes I know it's AI. i made it using bing ai. this is just for visuals bc I can't draw and I wanted it a certain way. still not perfect but it's whatever
Building Styles: The architecture of Nirin is a testament to its unique environment. Adobe structures are common in rural areas, offering natural insulation against the desert heat. In Waterlight City, buildings are designed to blend seamlessly with the rugged canyon landscape. Large, sweeping structures resembling horns or arches rise from the canyon floor, often lit by glowing lights at night, giving the city a mystical aura. Some buildings are carved directly into the canyon walls, with smooth, organic forms that mimic the natural rock formations.
Housing:Nirin’s housing varies from communal dwellings in rural villages to more elaborate homes in urban areas. The wealthier residents live in larger homes equipped with water conservation systems, crucial in a desert environment. These homes often feature outdoor patios and gardens, where residents can enjoy the cooler desert evenings. The city’s layout incorporates elevated walkways and platforms, which provide easy access to different levels of the canyon city and offer stunning views of the surrounding desert.
Public Spaces:Nirin’s public spaces are designed to foster community and cultural exchange. The Hanging Crescent Arena, a grand amphitheater, hosts the Desert Games, an annual event that celebrates the region’s traditions. Public squares are often lined with market stalls and artisan shops, where locals can showcase their crafts and produce. The city’s public spaces are carefully integrated with the natural environment, allowing residents to experience both urban life and the surrounding desert landscape.
Transportation: In Nirin, transportation is adapted to the desert terrain. Horses are commonly used for travel, especially in rural areas, while rugged off-road vehicles are used for navigating the more remote areas of the desert. The city also has an extensive network of canyon trails, which connect the various districts and provide access to surrounding villages. For those seeking more modern transport, sports cars and bikes are common, and skateboards are often used for short distances.
Primos (Mountainous Retreats and Adventure)
Building Styles: Primos’ architecture is influenced by its mountainous terrain, with stone cottages and log cabins that blend seamlessly into the landscape. These buildings are designed to withstand the harsh mountain weather while providing panoramic views of the surrounding valleys. The region also boasts adventure sport centers, which are designed using natural materials like wood and stone to create a rustic yet modern feel.
Housing: Housing in Primos is typically cozy and functional, with many residents living in small mountain cabins or larger estates that cater to tourists and adventurers. In rural areas, family-run vineyards and agricultural estates are common, where homes are built to accommodate large families and support local farming activities. The urban areas, such as Novas, feature lodges and apartments designed to cater to the needs of visitors seeking outdoor adventures.
Public Spaces: Primos’ public spaces are designed to celebrate nature and outdoor activities. The Mountain Festival, held annually in Novas, features artisan stalls, live music stages, and outdoor activities like rock climbing and hiking. The central plaza of Novas is surrounded by scenic views of the mountains, creating a perfect backdrop for community gatherings and celebrations.
Transportation: Transportation in Primos is designed to navigate the mountainous terrain. Cable cars are commonly used to travel between different levels of the mountains, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Hiking trails are also an integral part of the region’s infrastructure, providing access to remote areas and connecting different towns. For more rugged terrain, off-road vehicles are used, and mountain bikes are popular for recreational purposes.
Mian (Desert Ruins and Modernity)
Building Styles:Mian’s architecture blends ancient ruins with modern structures. Sandstone is the primary building material, and many buildings feature intricate carvings and reliefs that reflect the region’s rich history. The architecture in Mian often incorporates elements of both traditional and modern design, with ancient-inspired homes sitting alongside sleek, contemporary structures.
Housing:In Mian, housing varies from traditional adobe homes in rural areas to modern apartments in the cities. The use of sandstone and other natural materials ensures that homes remain cool in the hot desert climate. In smaller cities, the mix of ancient and modern homes creates a unique architectural style that reflects the region’s past and present.
Public Spaces:Mian’s public spaces often feature art installations and monuments that honor its ancient heritage. The Sand Festival, held in Alynthi’s central square, is a celebration of the region’s history and culture, with art installations depicting ancient stories and mythological figures. Public squares are also used for community gatherings, and many are adorned with sculptures and fountains that reflect the region’s artistic traditions.
Transportation: In Mian, transportation is a mix of traditional and modern methods. Horse-drawn carriages and desert caravans are commonly used in rural areas, providing a slower, more scenic way to travel. In the cities, modern vehicles dominate the streets, with a focus on energy-efficient cars and public transport systems. The region also has a network of roads that connect the various towns and cities, making travel across the desert easier and more accessible.
Valero (Coastal and Maritime Influence)
Building Styles: Valero, a region known for its coastal towns and port cities, features a blend of seaside villas and robust maritime structures. The architecture here is designed to withstand coastal weather while offering stunning views of the sea. Large balconies, open terraces, and expansive windows dominate the design of seaside villas, allowing residents to enjoy the ocean breeze. In contrast, the port cities are marked by functional and durable warehouses, docks, and maritime infrastructure, reflecting the importance of trade and fishing industries.
Housing: Wealthy families in Valero live in large waterfront estates, often designed with private docks and lush gardens. These estates are a symbol of prestige and are typically situated on elevated platforms to avoid flooding from the ocean. Meanwhile, in fishing villages, communal living is common, with modest homes built from local materials such as wood and stone. These homes are designed to be efficient and weather-resistant, with a focus on practicality.
Public Spaces: The Velros Waterfront is a vibrant public space where the community gathers for markets, cultural events, and celebrations. The Sea Festival, celebrated here, features live music, seafood stalls, traditional dances, and local handicrafts. The waterfront is a central hub for socializing and commerce, drawing both locals and tourists.
Transportation: Given Valero’s coastal geography, boats and ferries are the primary means of transportation. A network of coastal roads connects the various towns, but the waterways remain the most efficient way to travel between regions. Small fishing boats, luxury yachts, and ferries are commonly seen on the water, transporting goods and people.
Naidya (Island Luxury and Sustainability)
Building Styles: Naidya’s islands feature luxurious resorts designed with sustainability in mind. The buildings are crafted using natural materials like bamboo, coral, and locally sourced stone. The architecture blends seamlessly with the natural surroundings, often designed to minimize environmental impact. Large open-air spaces, shaded verandas, and natural cooling systems are common in resort designs, promoting comfort without compromising on eco-friendliness.
Housing: Affluent families in Naidya reside in expansive beachside estates, often perched on cliffs or nestled along pristine beaches. These homes are designed to take advantage of the island’s natural beauty, with panoramic views of the ocean. For local artisans and workers, communal housing is common, with shared amenities like gardens and pools, creating a strong sense of community.
Public Spaces: Each capital city hosts the Island Harmony Festival, a celebration of local culture, food, and music. The festivals are marked by traditional performances, culinary displays, and art exhibitions. Public spaces like beaches and parks are used for these festivals, where local artisans showcase their crafts and visitors enjoy the laid-back island lifestyle.
Transportation: Yachts, speedboats, and small ferries are the primary means of transportation between the islands. These vessels provide both luxury and practicality, offering quick travel between islands. On the islands themselves, residents rely on bicycles, electric vehicles, and walking for short distances, contributing to the region’s sustainability efforts.
Agrios (Industrial and Functional Design)
Building Styles: Agrios is characterized by a mix of industrial buildings and modern apartments. The region’s focus is on functionality and efficiency, particularly in the urban centers like Veratinze. Factories are designed with green roofs, solar panels, and energy-efficient technologies, making them models of sustainable industrial design. Residential areas are often high-rise apartments or suburban homes built for practicality, though some upscale areas feature more luxurious residences.
Housing: Urban dwellers in Agrios live in modern apartments, lofts, and condominiums, with a focus on maximizing space and energy efficiency. In rural areas, traditional homes are still common, often incorporating industrial elements like steel and concrete into their design. These homes are typically larger and built to accommodate family units and agricultural activities.
Public Spaces: Veratinze’s central park hosts the Innovation Week, a celebration of technology and progress. This park is a hub for exhibitions, tech demonstrations, and public forums on sustainable innovation. The park features modern sculptures, green spaces, and interactive installations, promoting both creativity and environmental awareness.
Transportation: Agrios has a well-developed public transportation system, with trains and buses connecting urban centers to industrial zones. The region also has an extensive network of roads and highways, facilitating the transportation of goods and workers between cities and factories. In the industrial zones, automated vehicles and drones are used for deliveries and goods transportation.
Dridells (Eco-Friendly Living and Waterways)
Building Styles: Dridells’ architecture is a blend of eco-friendly buildings and traditional homes, with an emphasis on sustainability. The use of natural materials like stone, wood, and recycled materials is common. In urban areas, green roofs, solar panels, and vertical gardens are incorporated into buildings, while rural homes are designed with large, open spaces to accommodate farming and communal living.
Housing: Urban areas in Dridells feature sustainable apartment buildings and eco-villages, where residents live in harmony with nature. These homes are often equipped with energy-efficient appliances, rainwater harvesting systems, and communal gardens. Rural areas feature large family farms, where multiple generations may live together in expansive homes designed for agricultural purposes.
Public Spaces: The River Festival is one of Dridells’ most popular events, held along the scenic riverbanks. The festival celebrates the region’s connection to water, with activities like river sports, food stalls, and cultural performances. The river serves as a central hub for both transportation and leisure, and public spaces along the water are designed for both relaxation and community gatherings.
Transportation: Dridells has an extensive network of canals and waterways, which serve as the primary means of transportation for both goods and people. Boats, ferries, and barges navigate the rivers and canals, connecting the various regions. In urban areas, bicycles and electric vehicles are popular for short trips, while roads are well-maintained for vehicles.
Luminiaz (Artistic and Eco-Conscious)
Building Styles: Luminiaz is known for its eco-friendly structures, with a focus on natural ventilation, solar energy, and sustainable materials. The buildings in Ruinia, the capital city, feature vibrant murals and artistic designs that celebrate local culture. Many buildings are constructed using locally sourced materials like bamboo, clay, and stone, creating a harmonious relationship between architecture and nature.
Housing: Housing in Luminiaz ranges from luxurious eco-resorts to simpler residences in rural areas. Many homes are designed with open-plan layouts, large windows, and natural materials to maximize airflow and reduce energy consumption. In urban areas, residents often live in artisanal workshops or eco-villages, where community living and sustainability are prioritized.
Public Spaces: The Tropical Arts Festival is a major event in Luminiaz, celebrated in the parks of Ruinia. The festival features exhibitions of local art, live performances, and culinary delights. Public spaces in Luminiaz are designed to encourage creativity and interaction, with many parks, plazas, and cultural centers serving as gathering places for the community.
Transportation: In urban areas, bicycles and electric scooters are the preferred modes of transportation, contributing to the city’s eco-conscious lifestyle. Rural areas rely on walking paths and local guides to navigate the terrain. Public transportation systems are minimal but well-designed, with a focus on reducing emissions and promoting sustainability.
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sarrvad · 1 year ago
Revolutionizing Clean Energy: Sarrvad Solar's Compact Solar Generator Shines in Delhi
In the heart of India's bustling capital, Delhi, a quiet but powerful revolution is underway. As the city grapples with energy demands and environmental concerns, Sarrvad Solar's compact solar generator has emerged as a game-changing solution, illuminating the path toward a sustainable energy future.
Solar Power: A Rising Star in Delhi's Energy Landscape
Delhi, a metropolis known for its vibrant energy, faces the dual challenge of meeting its ever-growing energy needs while also addressing the pressing issue of environmental sustainability. Amidst this conundrum, solar power has emerged as a rising star, offering a clean, renewable, and abundant source of energy.
Introducing the Compact Solar Generator
At the forefront of this solar revolution stands Sarrvad Solar, a pioneering name in sustainable energy solutions. The company's compact solar generator is a beacon of innovation, specifically designed to cater to Delhi's unique energy landscape. This generator harnesses the power of the sun to generate electricity, providing a reliable and environmentally friendly energy source for both residential and commercial use.
Tailored for Delhi's Energy Challenges
The challenges faced by a megacity like Delhi are distinct and demand innovative solutions. Sarrvad Solar's compact solar generator is tailor-made to address these challenges head-on. As traditional power sources struggle to keep up with the city's demand, this solar generator offers a decentralized energy solution. It's compact, meaning it can fit into urban spaces where real estate is a precious commodity.
Clean, Reliable, and Affordable
One of the standout features of the compact solar generator is its environmental friendliness. By harnessing solar energy, it produces clean power without emitting harmful pollutants, a critical factor in a city battling air quality issues. Furthermore, the sun's energy is a free and abundant resource, making the generator not only reliable but also cost-effective in the long run.
Empowering Energy Independence
Perhaps the most significant advantage of Sarrvad Solar's compact solar generator is its role in empowering energy independence. In a city susceptible to power outages and grid failures, this solar solution offers a lifeline. During blackouts or disruptions, the generator can continue to power essential appliances, ensuring a semblance of normalcy even when the grid falters.
A Greener Tomorrow for Delhi
As Delhi seeks to reinvent its energy landscape, the compact solar generator becomes a beacon of hope. It aligns perfectly with the city's commitment to cleaner energy sources and reduced carbon emissions. By embracing solar power, Delhi can significantly contribute to its renewable energy targets while mitigating the environmental impacts associated with traditional energy generation.
A Visionary Step Forward
Sarrvad Solar's compact solar generator isn't just a product; it's a visionary step toward a more sustainable future. Its integration into Delhi's energy ecosystem has the potential to reshape the city's power dynamics, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and ushering in a new era of green energy.
In the heart of Delhi's energy transition, Sarrvad Solar's compact solar generator shines brightly. It's more than a solution; it's a statement of intent, a commitment to cleaner energy, and a vision for a greener, more sustainable tomorrow. As Delhi navigates the complex intersection of energy demands and environmental concerns, this innovative solar generator stands as a testament to the power of innovation and the promise of a cleaner, brighter future for all.
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mysticstronomy · 2 years ago
Wednesday, March 8th, 2023
Welcome back,
One of the most intriguing predictions of Einstein's general theory of relativity is the existence of black holes: astronomical objects with gravitational fields so strong that not even light can escape them.
When a sufficiently massive star runs out of fuel, it explodes and the remaining core collapses, leading to the formation of a stellar black hole (ranging from 3 to 100 solar masses).
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Supermassive black holes also exist in the center of most galaxies. These are the largest type of black hole, containing between one hundred thousand and ten billion times more mass than our sun.
So far, astronomers have captured images of two supermassive black holes: one in the center of the galaxy M87, and the most recent in our Milky Way (Sagittarius A*).
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But it's believed that another kind of black hole exists—the primordial or primitive black hole (PBHs). These have a different origin to other black holes, having formed in the early universe through the gravitational collapse of extremely dense regions.
Theoretically, these primordial black holes can possess any mass, and may range in size from a subatomic particle to several hundred kilometers.
For instance, a PBH with a mass equivalent to Mount Everest could have the size of an atom.
These tiny black holes lose mass at a faster rate than their massive counterparts, emitting so-called Hawking radiation, until they finally evaporate.
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Up to now, astronomers have not been able to observe PBHs.
This is a subject of ongoing research since it is assumed that these ultra-compact objects might be part of the long-searched-for dark matter of the universe.
An alternative scenario for detecting atom-sized primordial black holes is proposed in a recent publication.
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In this research, the characteristic signal of the interaction between one of these tiny black holes and one of the densest objects in the universe (a neutron star) is studied.
Before embarking on this new astrophysical model, let us now comment on the main characteristics of these fascinating stars.
As previously mentioned, when a massive star runs out of fuel, it explodes and its core collapses, resulting in a stellar black hole.
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It ought to be stressed this is not the case in every scenario: for example, if the collapsing core is less massive than about three solar masses, a neutron star is formed.
These are very small and extremely dense objects. For instance, consider a star with 1.5 solar masses compressed into a sphere of only 20 kilometers in diameter (the size of Manhattan island).
The density of a neutron star is extremely high: a tablespoon of star material would weigh millions of tons!
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The youngest neutron stars belong to a subclass called pulsars which spin at extremely high velocities (even faster than a kitchen blender). These pulsars emit radiation in the form of narrow beams that periodically reach the Earth.
Over time, these objects cool down and lose their rotational speed, being difficult to detect (only the most energetic pulsars have been observed).
Originally published on phys.org
(Saturday, March 11th, 2023)
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simutechgroup · 1 month ago
Exploring Photonics and the Role of Photonics Simulation
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Photonics is a cutting-edge field of science and engineering focused on the generation, manipulation, and detection of light (photons). From powering high-speed internet connections to enabling precision medical diagnostics, photonics drives innovation across industries. With advancements in photonics simulation, engineers and researchers can now design and optimize complex photonic systems with unparalleled accuracy, paving the way for transformative technologies.
What Is Photonics?
Photonics involves the study and application of photons, the fundamental particles of light. It encompasses the behavior of light across various wavelengths, including visible, infrared, and ultraviolet spectrums. Unlike electronics, which manipulates electrons, photonics harnesses light to transmit, process, and store information.
The applications of photonics span diverse fields, such as telecommunications, healthcare, manufacturing, and even entertainment. Technologies like lasers, optical fibers, and sensors all rely on principles of photonics to function effectively.
Why Is Photonics Important?
Photonics is integral to the modern world for several reasons:
Speed and Efficiency Light travels faster than electrons, making photonics-based systems ideal for high-speed data transmission. Fiber-optic networks, for instance, enable lightning-fast internet and communication.
Miniaturization Photonics enables the development of compact and efficient systems, such as integrated photonic circuits, which are smaller and more energy-efficient than traditional electronic circuits.
Precision Applications From laser surgery in healthcare to high-resolution imaging in astronomy, photonics offers unparalleled precision in diverse applications.
The Role of Photonics Simulation
As photonic systems become more complex, designing and optimizing them manually is increasingly challenging. This is where photonics simulation comes into play.
Photonics simulation involves using advanced computational tools to model the behavior of light in photonic systems. It allows engineers to predict system performance, identify potential issues, and fine-tune designs without the need for costly and time-consuming physical prototypes.
Key Applications of Photonics Simulation
Telecommunications Photonics simulation is crucial for designing optical fibers, waveguides, and integrated photonic circuits that power high-speed data networks. Simulations help optimize signal strength, reduce loss, and enhance overall system efficiency.
Healthcare In the medical field, photonics simulation aids in the development of imaging systems, laser-based surgical tools, and diagnostic devices. For instance, simulation tools are used to design systems for optical coherence tomography (OCT), a non-invasive imaging technique for detailed internal body scans. Medical device consulting provides expert guidance on the design, development, and regulatory compliance of innovative medical technologies.
Semiconductors and Electronics Photonics simulation supports the creation of photonic integrated circuits (PICs) that combine optical and electronic components. These circuits are essential for applications in computing, sensing, and communication.
Aerospace and Defense Photonics simulation enables the design of systems like lidar (Light Detection and Ranging), which is used for navigation and mapping. Simulations ensure these systems are accurate, reliable, and robust for real-world applications. Aerospace consulting offers specialized expertise in designing, analyzing, and optimizing aerospace systems for performance, safety, and innovation.
Energy and Sustainability Photonics plays a vital role in renewable energy technologies, such as solar cells. Simulation tools help optimize light capture and energy conversion efficiency, making renewable energy more viable and cost-effective. Clean energy consulting provides expert guidance on implementing sustainable energy solutions, optimizing efficiency, and reducing environmental impact.
Benefits of Photonics Simulation
Cost-Efficiency: By identifying potential issues early in the design phase, simulation reduces the need for multiple physical prototypes, saving time and resources.
Precision and Accuracy: Advanced algorithms model light behavior with high accuracy, ensuring designs meet specific performance criteria.
Flexibility: Simulations can model a wide range of photonic phenomena, from simple lenses to complex integrated circuits.
Innovation: Engineers can experiment with new materials, configurations, and designs in a virtual environment, fostering innovation without risk.
Challenges in Photonics Simulation
Despite its advantages, photonics simulation comes with its own set of challenges:
Complexity of Light Behavior Modeling light interactions with materials and components at nanoscales requires sophisticated algorithms and powerful computational resources.
Integration with Electronics Photonics systems often need to work seamlessly with electronic components, adding layers of complexity to the simulation process.
Material Limitations Accurately simulating new or unconventional materials can be challenging due to limited data or untested behavior.
The Future of Photonics and Photonics Simulation
Photonics is at the forefront of technological innovation, with emerging trends that promise to reshape industries. Some of these trends include:
Quantum Photonics: Leveraging quantum properties of light for applications in secure communication, advanced sensing, and quantum computing.
Silicon Photonics: Integrating photonics with silicon-based technologies for cost-effective and scalable solutions in telecommunications and computing.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Photonics: Using AI algorithms to enhance photonics simulation, enabling faster and more accurate designs.
Biophotonics: Exploring the interaction of light with biological systems to advance healthcare and life sciences.
As photonics continues to evolve, the role of simulation will only grow in importance. Advanced simulation tools will empower engineers to push the boundaries of what is possible, enabling innovations that improve lives and drive progress.
Photonics and photonics simulation are shaping the future of technology, offering solutions that are faster, more efficient, and precise. By harnessing the power of light, photonics is revolutionizing industries, from healthcare to telecommunications and beyond. With the aid of simulation tools, engineers can design and optimize photonic systems to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. As this exciting field continues to advance, its impact on society will be nothing short of transformative.
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Atlantian Cataclysm, the Dark Age
Approximately 50,000 years ago, the NAA began the genocidal agenda to eradicate Celtic Kings Grail DNA and Melchizedek Christ Teachings from Atlantis, with RH Negative tracking, spreading disinformation, and destroying the records of humanity’s star origin and historical artifacts. See Historical Timeline Trigger Events and Ascension Timeline Rebellion.
During the Atlantian Cataclysm cycle, after they conquered Solar Dragon Queen Merida and stole the 11D Emerald Founder Records that were entrusted in her Guardian protectorate, this was the last stand of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek’s that embodied the Blue Staff of Mu’a. The 11D Arthurian Grail lines are the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines that reside within Ireland and Scotland, which has the highest percentage of people with naturally red hair. Thus, sadly the ongoing covert genocidal agendas to eradicate these lineages that hold the genetic records of the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines have a long history of repeated campaigns known as the Celtic Massacres and Druid sacrifices.
The Dracs went to the Lemurian continent to finish off the genocidal massacres in Kauai some 22,000 years ago, in order to kill off all the remaining tribes of Solar Female Melchizedek’s that were also Mu’a staff holders. This was to prepare for a completely patriarchal society on Earth as run by the invaders which formed into the Atlantian Brotherhood of the Snake containing; Nibiruians, Thothian Leviathans and those connected to the Orion Group who later formed the Luciferian Covenant. This was the final genocide of the matriarchal society lineage of Solar Female Melchizedeks running civilizations on the Earth surface, that was aided by the Annunaki negotiations and agreements, and was the last stage of the Lemurian Holocaust and the end of the Atlantian Golden Age.
After the utter destruction during the Atlantian Cataclysm, the NAA brought in the Moon craft which generated the dreaded lunar female principle, enabling the Moon Chain parasitic infiltration with Sexual Misery programming and the rapidly growing satanic force infection that resulted over the next thousands of years. The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part through dragging in the Moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation and Mind Control programs on NAA’s Prison Planet. Over generations, this digressed the human female principle through merkaba magnetic spin damage, molecular compaction, and associated reproductive distortions as lunar forces filled up the breath channel, sacral energy center and womb.
Most women on the planet lost control over their conscious choice to have sex, their higher participation in when to reproduce and bear children, and thus became enslaved through the NAA’s assorted Genetic Modifications for Breeding Programs and Alien Hybridization agendas, with their violent rape and misogynistic mindset being instilled into the population. Patriarchal organized religions, spiritual leaders or shamans started to crop up with narratives that women were infiltrated with unclean spirits, menstruation and black holes existing inside their wombs, making them prone to demonic Possession and committing evil deeds. Thus, it was commonly thought that women were not to be trusted, were less than men, committed the original sin by disobeying God, and could not become enlightened or spiritually developed, thus they had to be owned and dominated by male brute strength. The Solar Feminine Melchizedeks who were commonly holding powerful roles supporting their community as legitimate Mother of Dragons and as the High Priestesses intermediating between the earthly kingdoms and Mother- Father God, were targeted for extermination.
Such are the many histories across the globe that ensued with the stories of female witch hunts and erupted hysterias of false accusations made of women supposedly doing the devils work, through which to effectively persecute and kill off the solar female with embodied sophianic wisdom, not unlike the misogynistic targeting that still persists even today.
This twisted NAA misogynistic narrative sourced in regard to this horrible history of lunar infection, of SRA human Blood Sacrifice and Moloch tanks that corrupted the planet, was indeed very damaging to the inner female principle existing within both the male and female biology. It is accurate to say in some cases, that the heavy distortions of human race Miasma and the lunar magnetic spin in the lower section of the female reproductive organs made sacral solarization and lunar Transfiguration of the breath channel much harder to achieve for women, unless they were holding Solar Feminine Melchizedek genetic records within their Lightbody.
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industrynewsupdates · 3 months ago
Future of Power Transformer Market: Innovations and Developments
The global power transformer market was valued at USD 22.83 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1% from 2023 to 2030. This growth is primarily driven by the increasing demand for electricity in both emerging and developed countries, coupled with significant investments in infrastructure. As urbanization and industrialization continue to accelerate, the need for reliable and efficient power distribution systems is expected to fuel market growth. Additionally, the rising focus on modernizing the existing energy grid systems and improving energy efficiency will be key factors driving the demand for power transformers over the forecast period.
A major contributing factor to the market's expansion is the growing adoption of smart grid technology. The development of smart grids, which incorporate advanced technologies like smart meters and automated control systems, is creating a significant demand for more sophisticated power transformers. Smart meters, in particular, are integral to the efficient functioning of smart grids as they enable real-time monitoring and management of energy consumption. The widespread push for smart grid development, along with government initiatives to modernize power infrastructure, is expected to have a positive impact on the power transformer market over the next several years.
In addition to smart grids, the power transformer market will be further supported by the rising focus on renewable energy sources and the increasing need to develop transmission networks for remote and off-grid locations. The integration of non-traditional energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, into the power grid requires efficient power transformers that can manage variable power outputs and ensure reliable electricity distribution. 
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Power Transformer Market
Phase Insights
The power transformer market can be segmented based on phase type into two categories: single-phase and three-phase transformers. As of 2022, the three-phase transformer segment accounted for the largest share of the market, with a dominant market share of 62.2%. This segment is expected to grow at the fastest rate, with a projected CAGR of 7.2% by 2030.
Three-phase transformers are widely used in various industrial applications due to their high efficiency and ability to handle large power loads. They are commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, mining, petrochemicals, automation, and telecommunications, among others, for both power generation and distribution. These transformers are especially suited for industrial settings because they are more affordable, compact, and lightweight compared to other transformer types, especially when dealing with high power ratings.
In addition to being cost-effective, three-phase transformers offer several operational advantages. They are ideal for low-voltage distribution systems that experience high fluctuations in voltage. Their design allows for superior isolation, common-mode interference suppression, and they can be customized to meet specific end-user requirements. Furthermore, they are particularly effective in environments that require a stable and continuous power supply, making them indispensable for a wide range of applications, including precision machinery and automated systems.
Given their many advantages and the growing number of industries relying on them, three-phase transformers are expected to continue dominating the market and experience robust growth during the forecast period. Their versatile applications and increased adoption across multiple industrial sectors further underline their critical role in the development of power distribution systems worldwide.
Order a free sample PDF of the Power Transformer Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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secrethideoutwhispers · 4 months ago
Building a cargo spaceship capable of exploring our solar system based on current technology and the knowledge gleaned from our understanding of engineering, science, and chemistry requires us to work within practical and realistic constraints, given that we're not yet in an era of faster-than-light travel. This project would involve a modular design, reliable propulsion systems, life support, cargo handling, and advanced automation or AI. Here’s a conceptual breakdown:
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1. Ship Structure
Hull and Frame: A spaceship designed for deep space exploration needs a durable, lightweight frame. Advanced materials like titanium alloys and carbon-fiber composites would be used to ensure structural integrity under the stress of space travel while keeping the mass low. The outer hull would be made with multi-layered insulation to protect against micrometeorites and space radiation.
Dimensions: A cargo space vessel could be roughly 80-100 meters long and 30 meters wide, giving it sufficient space for cargo holds, living quarters, and propulsion systems.
Cost: $500 million (materials, assembly, and insulation).
2. Propulsion Systems
Primary Propulsion: Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP) or Nuclear Electric Propulsion (NEP):
NTP would involve heating hydrogen with a nuclear reactor to achieve high exhaust velocities, providing faster travel times across the solar system. NEP converts nuclear energy into electricity, driving highly efficient ion thrusters. Both systems offer relatively efficient interplanetary travel.
A hybrid solution between NTP and NEP could optimize fuel efficiency for longer trips and maneuverability near celestial bodies.
Cost: $1 billion (development of nuclear propulsion, reactors, and installation).
Fuel: For NTP, hydrogen would be used as a propellant; for NEP, xenon or argon would be the ionized fuel. It would be replenished through in-space refueling depots or by mining water on asteroids and moons (future prospect).
Cost (fuel): $50 million.
3. Power Systems
Nuclear Fission Reactor: A compact fission reactor would power the ship’s life support, propulsion, and onboard systems. Reactors designed by NASA’s Kilopower project would provide consistent energy for long missions.
Backup Solar Arrays: Solar panels, optimized for efficiency beyond Mars’ orbit, would serve as secondary power sources in case of reactor failure.
Cost: $300 million (including reactors, solar panels, and energy storage systems).
4. Cargo Modules
The cargo holds need to be pressurized and temperature-controlled for sensitive materials or scientific samples, while some holds could be left unpressurized for bulk materials like metals, water, or fuel.
Modular Design: The ship should have detachable cargo pods for easy unloading and resupply at different planetary bodies or space stations.
Cost: $200 million (modular design, pressurization systems, automation).
5. Life Support Systems
Water and Oxygen Recycling: Systems like NASA’s Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) would recycle water, oxygen, and even waste. These systems are key for long-duration missions where resupply may be limited.
CO2 Scrubbers: To remove carbon dioxide from the air, maintaining breathable conditions for the crew.
Artificial Gravity (optional): A rotating section of the ship could generate artificial gravity through centripetal force, improving the crew’s health on longer missions. However, this would increase complexity and cost.
Cost: $200 million (life support systems, with optional artificial gravity setup).
6. AI and Automation
AI-Controlled Systems: AI would manage navigation, propulsion optimization, cargo handling, and even medical diagnostics. Automated drones could be used for ship maintenance and repairs in space.
Navigation: Advanced AI would assist in calculating complex orbital maneuvers, interplanetary transfers, and landings.
Autonomous Cargo Handling: Robotics and AI would ensure that cargo can be efficiently moved between space stations, planets, and the ship.
Cost: $150 million (AI development, robotics, automation).
7. Communication and Sensors
Communication Arrays: High-gain antennas would allow for deep-space communication back to Earth, supplemented by laser communication systems for high-speed data transfers.
Radars and Sensors: For mapping asteroid belts, detecting anomalies, and navigating planets, advanced LIDAR, radar, and spectrometers would be necessary. These sensors would aid in planetary exploration and mining operations.
Cost: $100 million (communication systems, sensors, and diagnostics).
8. Radiation Protection
Water Shielding: Water, which is also used in life support, would double as a radiation shield around the living quarters.
Electromagnetic Shields: Experimental concepts involve creating a small electromagnetic field around the ship to deflect solar and cosmic radiation (early TRL, requires more development).
Cost: $50 million (radiation shielding).
9. Crew Quarters
Living Quarters: Designed for long-duration missions with the capability to house 4-6 crew members comfortably. The quarters would feature radiation protection, artificial lighting cycles to simulate day and night, and recreational facilities to maintain crew morale on multi-year missions.
Medical Bay: An AI-assisted medical bay equipped with robotic surgery and telemedicine would ensure the crew remains healthy.
Cost: $100 million (crew quarters, recreational facilities, medical systems).
10. Landing and Exploration Modules
Surface Exploration Vehicles: For landing on moons or planets like Mars or Europa, a modular lander or rover system would be required. These vehicles would use methane/oxygen engines or electric propulsion to take off and land on various celestial bodies.
Cost: $300 million (lander, rovers, exploration modules).
Total Estimated Cost: $2.95 Billion
Additional Considerations:
1. Launch Vehicles: To get the spacecraft into orbit, you would need a heavy-lift rocket like SpaceX’s Starship or NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS). Multiple launches may be required to assemble the ship in orbit.
Cost (launch): $500 million (several launches).
2. In-Space Assembly: The ship would likely be built and assembled in low-Earth orbit (LEO), with components brought up in stages by heavy-lift rockets.
Cost: $200 million (orbital assembly infrastructure and operations).
Grand Total: $3.65 Billion
This estimate provides a general cost breakdown for building a cargo spaceship that could explore and transport materials across the solar system. This concept ship is realistic based on near-future technologies, leveraging both nuclear propulsion and automation to ensure efficient exploration and cargo transportation across the solar system.
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